
Many of you probably have far more extensive blogging experience but here’s a few tips I picked up so far:

  • to help organisation we should probably ‘tag’ every post with some key-word – see the Tags box on the right when you post. Feel free to make up your own tags separated with commas but you can ask to see the popular tag names used so far.
  • another useful organising feature is to associate your post/page with a category. I think there should be quite few of these as they should represent largish collections of posts.
  • to use images in your posts, I just visit the site where the image is at and right-click the image to copy the image location. Then I head back to the post and choose the ‘Image’ option from above the toolbar, then ‘From URL’. Strictly speaking this is stealing bandwidth from the provider of the image but it’s quicker than saving their image and uploading to use our quota.
  • to insert a video from a hosting site (GoogleVideo, Youtube) that you might want to include in your post, use a code such as [vidsite=] where vidsite can be googlevideo or youtube. You can do this through the ‘Upload/Insert’ toolbar also but what it doesn’t say is that you can embed Vimeo videos too using a vidsite of vimeo. To use Vimeo you just need to say [vidsite 2443941] where vidsite should be vimeo.
  • I’ve created an About The Gang page (link at top of page). In there is a short description of what the group is about. In response to a request, I’ve created a link from there to a profile page about myself and where each of you might want to create a similar page and link to it from the about page. Seems WordPress doesn’t do profile pages well.

Welcome to itsProgBlog – an online forum for IT Sligo programming lecturers to thrash around ideas and war stories.

WordPress made the best bid for our business (okay, we’re cheap) but I think you’ll find the environment good. Once I get your emails, I’ll enable everyone to post and comment, so come on down…

John Kelleher, B&H